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filare di vite landscape oil painting appennini in the summer
kaki landscape oil painting appennini in the summer

Oil paintings from 1995. Landscape remains one of my favorite expressions.

In the summer, I often go painting early in the morning before breakfast. The appenine hills around Faenza are full of interesting subject matter. It is an ancient landscape and I have decided to show four landscapes which I consider archetypal.

Paesaggi a olio del 1995. Tuttora il dipingere en plein air rimane una delle mie attività preferite.

D'estate, vado a dipingere prima della colazione. Gli appennini vicino a Faenza sono estremamente variati. Questi quattro dipinti rappresentano anche questa varietà.

pracchio landscape oil painting appennini in the summer
calanchi landscape oil painting appennini in the summer



Andrea Cimatti - pittore illustratore - corso Baccarini, 26 - 48018 Faenza, RA - Italy.