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Commission exclusive | MY DECALOGUE
You will never escape yourself in your work. From your best image to your worst failure- from your most original to your most plagiarized- all of it is an expression of your personality. It is the same for what you choose to read and to look at and how you decide to act. Each choice determines the next one. That is why all work is somehow unified no matter how you try to deny it. |
Artists are introverts who live within another world - a world of pleasure or rather a world where even pain, torture and suffering can become pleasurable in some strangely masochistic way. Certainly we all love to see the violence perpetrated in movies also because it does not hurt us. |
MY PAINTING All images a person looks at ultimately affect and shape his personality. Choose to be selective when discernig what to view. If one learns to do this properly images can become medicine. Many have said that my landscapes are pure rehash of things that have already been done. I see their point - what is new about my landscapes can remain unseen.
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